[audio:http://ublawcareerservices.classcaster.net/files/2010/10/McDonalds10-28-08-edit.mp3|titles=McDonalds10-28-08-edit] Speaker: Rob Liddle, MLIR,’77; JD,’76; BA, ’72 Vice President of Global Labor Relations McDonald’s Corporation Rob leads the McDonald’s Labor Relations function globally, managing a staff of 18. He is responsible for managing all employment law and traditional labor relations matters; he serves on the McDonald’s Human Resources Leadership team. Rob joined McDonald’s in […]
October 7, 2008
Presidential Management Fellows Program Informational Session
[audio:http://ublawcareerservices.classcaster.net/files/2010/10/PMFPanel10-7-08-edit.mp3|titles=PMFPanel10-7-08-edit] Our speakers are all UB Law graduates who were awarded 2008 Presidential Management Fellowships and just began working at their respective sites this fall: Harold Babcock-Ellis (JD 2008), Dept of Defense, Dept of the Air Force (Los Angeles, CA) Daniel Christiansen (JD 2008), Department of Education (Washington, DC) Emily Conley (JD 2008), Dept. of […]
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